vhdl rotary - xi
You have probably seen rotary encoders before. They are those turny-bits on your average home entertainment system, your radios, the knobs in your car, etc. However, it is important to not confuse them with potentiometers, which work differently. Generally, if the knob has indents and no hard limits, there is probably a rotary encoder behind it.
boids - val
What are boids? Boids are approximations for birds, fish and other animals (or things, really) exhibiting flocking behaviour, and are used for simulating just that. Boids behave according to certain rules. These are as follows:
- Cohesion: Boids will try to stay in the same area as their peers
- Seperation: Boids will not let anyone get too close
- Alignment: Boids will try to move in the same direction as their peers